Transfer of knowledge - based product to the private sector
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Transfer of knowledge - based product to the private sector

Transfer of knowledge - based products including broodstock and juvenile rainbow trout derived from the macro project of Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) rainbow trout production from the Coldwater Fishes Research Center of Tonekabon to the Se Hezar Coldwater...
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Meeting to present expert views of newly hired academic members
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Meeting to present expert views of newly hired academic members

New academic members along with the director and deputies of the institute, the deputy director of the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization and the deputy of the Gilan Province Science and Technology Park came together at the session...
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Predatory comb jelly sampling began in the Caspian Sea
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Predatory comb jelly sampling began in the Caspian Sea

The first stage of predatory comb jelly Beroe ovata sampling was carried out along with the evaluation of environmental and biological parameters at a depth of 30 m on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea (Chapak - Roud area of Juybar County)
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Presence of predatory comb jelly in the Caspian Sea
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Presence of predatory comb jelly in the Caspian Sea

Recent sampling by the researchers from the Caspian Sea Ecology Research Center in the Royan region of Mazandaran province indicated the accidental entry of predatory comb jelly Beroe ovata into the Caspian Sea
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