Meeting to present expert views of newly hired academic members

New academic members along with the director and deputies of the institute, the deputy director of the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization and the deputy of the Gilan Province Science and Technology Park came together at the session hall of the institute to present mutual insights
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Dr. Mahmoud Bahmani congratulated the Student Day at the meeting to present expert views of newly hired academic members. He added: The one who chooses the way of research in his or her life will be a student for the rest of his / her life and will be getting acquainted with new sciences. The director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute mentioned: Therefore, newly hired academic members will undoubtedly seize the opportunity and benefit from the experience of older people at the institute. This synergy can ultimately drive the development of fisheries research at the national level. According to him, the field of research in fisheries science is very different from other fields of research because our researchers are dealing with organisms whose lives depend on water and access to these organisms has its own difficulties. In addition, in cases such as sampling, especially in the area of conservation of aquatic resources, these difficulties are compounded.Dr. Mahmoud Bahmani believes that the proper management of the institute depends on many parameters and variables. What matters most is how knowledge is produced and how it is put to practical use, because research without results is like library research and in practice is not worth much. In addition, the results of applied research should be transmitted to the exploiters without delay. He continued: For this reason, the relationship between the researcher and the exploiter is very important and researchers should be able to use the communication and promotion techniques not only to change the exploiter's awareness and attitude but also to change the exploiter's behavior. The deputy director of research and technology of the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization said the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute is one of the leading and successful institutes in research and promotion. He said: Due to the proximity of the fisheries research activities to the executive organizations, researchers in this field have been able to maintain their relationship with fisheries managers and remove obstacles in the spirit of collaboration. Dr. Kambiz Bazargan believes that managerial decisions in the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute are strongly influenced by the results of numerous researches by fisheries researchers. In other words, their policy on the beginning and end of open fishing seasons for various aquatic organisms is based on the results of these investigations. Therefore, the director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute should be held accountable for any possible errors in the research reports. Dr Bazargan added: Communications within the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization are such thatalthough the affiliated institutes individually pursue specific goals, these institutes are not unrelated to each other. Their relationship is evident in the  collaborative projects they work together to advance them. For example, the use of algae as a supplement to animal feed or the production of vegetable food for aquatic organisms are among the projects that lead to a major goal called food security. He outlined the most important duties and responsibilities of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute in four main sections: The first category includes issues such as aquatic species identification, species monitoring, human and inhumane interactions on aquatic ecology, etc., which fall into the category of ecology of water resources. Managing the exploitation of aquatic resources is the second category that covers sub - sectors such as production and reproduction, social, economic, health and disease, timing of catch and production of new aquatic products.Dr. Bazargan added: Conservation and restoration of genetic resources as well as selective breeding are two other categories that our researchers must pursue more closely with related projects. He emphasized the demand - driven nature of research and stated: Nowadays, according to the current situation in the country, the most important issue in the research is to address the needs of the target audiences or exploiters. As long as these researches are not feasible for farmers, nothing will go ahead.Mr. Takrimi, the deputy of the Gilan Province Science and Technology Park, presented a detailed report on how startups are being developed and expanded in the field of investment in fisheries. It should be noted that Dr. Bahmani gave a speech in relation to the analysis of result oriented research and the concept of performance management in research (things to do and strategies in the country). Mr. Karimi lectured on applied research with a startup approach. Dr. Hafezieh, the deputy director of research and technology of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, introduced the plans, strategies and achievements of the institute and Dr. Hossein Zadeh, the deputy director of fisheries and aquaculture extension and transfer of research findings, lectured on technology classification. A variety of research issues were addressed to new academic members. At the end, the newly hired academic members shared their views and suggestions with the director and deputies of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute and discussed the most important issues at research institutes and research centers.
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