Transferring knowledge based results of SPF trout production mega project

217 high health tagged male and female breeders of SPF rainbow trout from mega project of SPF production with genetic identity are moved from Tonekabon Coldwater Fishes Research Institute to Shahid Motahari Coldwater Fishes Genetics and Breeding Research Center - Yasouj
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According to the public relations office of Tonekabon Coldwater Fishes Research Institute, 217 high health tagged male and female breeders of rainbow trout with genetic identity were transferred to Shahid Motahari Coldwaterr Fishes Genetics and Breeding Center in order to exploit the knowledge-based products resulting from the implementation of the technology national mega project of "Mass Production of specific pathogens free rainbow trout (SPF)". This step was taken to increase productivity and sustainable development of the rainbow trout breeding industry, protection of genetic resources, production of neomale breeders and تخم چشم زده, establishment of a sperm bank of neomale breeders, supply of seeds for rainbow trout breeding activities in the country and support of domestic knowledge-based goods. These measures were taken under a contract between Tonekabon Coldwater Fishes Research Institute, Shahid Motahari Coldwaterr Fishes Genetics and Breeding Center and executor of SPF trout production mega project.
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