Holding the fourth socio-economic meeting on cold water fishes

The fourth socio-economic meeting on cold-water fishes was held by Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute by the deputy director of the Promotion and Transmission of Research Findings sector.
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According to the public relations office of Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, in the fourth socio-economic meeting of the fisheries sector, which was held as a webinar about cold-water fishes, Dr. Bahmani, while pointing to the division of fisheries economics into various fields, stressed the need to implement the macro-socio-economic plan of fisheries with different axes and in macro and micro areas and the readiness of the institute to cooperate with university centers to participate in the implementation of research projects in the form of student dissertations was another suggestion made by Dr. Bahmani.
The CEOs of the national unions of cold-water fish breeding cooperatives, separately, expressed their views in this regard. Mr. Fallah, pointing to the created infrastructure and high capacity of cold-water fish production, declared that the main problems are in production relations and related funds. According to him, weakness in manpower management, investment returns being lower than inflation, ineffective working capital to continue production and insufficient attention to optimization and updating of equipment and facilities, are the most important challenges in this industry that significant part of it can be solved in the form of socio-economic research.
Then Dr. Nabizadeh, declared that market problems cannot be solved by grammatical methods. He mentioned the loss of 20% of aquatic products by being wasted, as one of the negative points in the field of production and stressed that views on the market structure should be changed and the issue of processing and use of waste should be pursued more seriously.
The need to reform fish pricing in the market, move to a market-oriented model and transfer pricing management to the private sector, were other suggestions made by Dr. Nabizadeh.
Dr. Mehrnoosh Mirzaei, Deputy Director of the Economic Affairs Office of Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, while emphasizing on creating a balance between production and consumption, presented some matters related to the classification of research priorities. Problems related to aquaculture, issues related to productivity and production management, problems related to conversion and processing industries, issues related to market weakness, inappropriate strategies and laws, were among the most important issues that Dr. Mirzaei spoke about.
Dr. Fatemeh Pasban, a member of the faculty of Institute of Planning Research, Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, considered the attention to the systemic approach to formulate a research program focusing on socio-economic areas as a priority and Provided relevant explanations about cooperation and coordination of the whole subsystems. Participatory research programs, creating a production-to-consumption chain, determining the type of research view in terms of time areas, conducting research according to upstream documents and defining and understanding the problem to be solved, were some of the things he presented in his presentation, named as “the development of a socio-economic strategic plan”.
Then, Dr. Rahmani, a colleague of the Economic Affairs Office of Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, reviewed the initial format of research proposals for socio-economic studies of fisheries and aquaculture.
In summarizing the above, Dr. Hoseinzadeh, Vice President for Promotion and Transfer of Research Findings of Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, introduced the convergence and similarity of the views of the two unions as one of the strengths of this issue and emphasized the need to define research projects on Socio-economic studies in the form of proposals of doctoral students, as well as the establishment of a unified government and the use of centralized window ports to record aquatic trade information,.
At the end, participants submitted their opinions and suggestions for conducting socio-economic research in the industry.
It is worth mentioning that in this meeting, Dr. Rafiei, a member of the faculty and director of the Agricultural Economic Department of the Faculty of Economics and Agricultural Development, University of Tehran, Dr. Adeli, a faculty member of Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Mr. Mokarrami, a member of the board of Jahad Nasr Investor Company, Dr. Mohebbi Derakhsh, Head of the Department of Socio-Economic Studies of Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Dr. Bani Amam, Faculty Member of the Institute for Planning, Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Dr. Abdolhai, Deputy Director of Aquaculture Development and General Managers of the Fisheries Organization of Iran and colleagues from the institute's affiliated centers and research institutes also attended the meeting.

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