Fisheries socio - economic study desk is formed at the institute

The director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute announced the establishment of the fisheries socio - econThe director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute announced the establishment of the fisheries socio - economic study desk at the instituteomic study desk at the institute
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At the second meeting of the socio - economic working group on fisheries and aquaculture, in which some of the participants were attended through the Skyroom, Dr. Mahmoud Bahmani said: The socio - economic study desk is set up at the institute to financially support prestigious doctoral dissertations in this field, with the aim of looking specifically at futures studies. He pointed out that the current meeting on the subject of aquatic product market and trade will be held with the focus on the deputy for fisheries and aquaculture extension and transfer of research findings of the institute. He added: At the previous session, 43 titles of research and study projects in the field of socio - economics which had been carried out by the fisheries researchers in previous years were introduced. Now, considering the needs of the country and the importance of economic issues, the institute intends to re-enter this field with serious determination. Dr. Bahmani continued: With the formation of a special working group in this regard, research priorities in the field of fisheries socio - economic studies will be determined and its strategic plan will be reviewed with the participation of the private and public sectors. He stated: One of the topics of interest is the transfer of knowledge and the implementation of research activities that have been carried out by the fisheries researchers in recent years and can be a source for economic development and increase income for farmers. Development of Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) broodstock, selective breeding of rainbow trout and production of shrimp probiotics are among the activities performed. Given the pressures on marine resources due to fishing, the institute has introduced achievements that will ultimately lead to the creation of new jobs and processes to improve the situation of fishermen. Dr. Bahmani emphasized: In any case, it is hoped that relying on the collective wisdom and consensus of those involved in the field of fisheries and aquaculture, the thematic packages in these fields will be presented to improve the economic situation of farmers and positive efficiency in production. Relying on the collective wisdom and consensus of those involved in the field of fisheries and aquaculture, it is hoped that thematic packages will be presented in these areas so that their outputs will improve the economic situation of the exploiters and have positive effects on the production. Dr. Hossein Zadeh, the deputy director for fisheries and aquaculture extension and transfer of research findings of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, presented a report on the programs of the institute in the field of fisheries and aquaculture socio - economic studies. He said: Aquatic product trade, job creation and entrepreneurship, social deprivation, coastal development and most importantly food security are some of the most important goals pursued in these studies. He added: Accurate evaluation of fisheries activities, presentation of the necessary strategy in order to achieve the goals of the five - year programs of economic and social studies and optimal use of resources and facilities are the goals of the socio - economic working group on fisheries and aquaculture. Dr. Hosseinzadeh described the aquaculture socio - economic challenges and problems in the field of cold water fish, warmwater fish and shrimp, the titles and programs, plans and research activities related to each of them, separately. Then, Dr. Golshahi, the general manager of the office for the improvement of processing of aquatic products and development of seafood market of the Iran Fisheries Organization, presented a detailed report on the impact of COVID - 19 Coronavirus Pandemic on the aquatic product market and trade. In this report, he shared valuable information with the participants about the situation of exports, imports, domestic market and various goods under the fisheries sector, which can be a guide for socio - economic studies in the current situation. Dr. Khodaei, the secretary general of the Aquatic’s Production and Trade Union of Iran, spoke about the fisheries economics and the study of economic needs and indicators. The macroeconomic problems in the field of fisheries and aquaculture, market research needs, technical needs and strategic technology needs were among the most important issues that he mentioned. He considered the establishment of a regulatory body and systems for collecting and recording information in the field of fisheries as necessary issues for coherence in this sector. Dr. Khatibi from the private sector in his report on the shrimp market in Iran and the world pointed out to the developments in countries such as Ecuador, India, Vietnam and China and compared shrimp prices in these countries. According to him, the increase in global shrimp prices in recent weeks may encourage the Chinese to buy this product from Iran, but their strict rules on controlling the corona virus reduce the likelihood of this happening. Dr. Rafiei, the professor at the University of Tehran, presented significant material on the analysis of the roles of supply and demand gap in the field of fisheries and aquaculture. He provided valuable information on the problems in the rainbow trout market, the trend of wholesale and production prices of rainbow trout in recent years, and concluded that the rainbow trout market is not demand - driven but supply - oriented, and that the market structure of this product will be more competitive in the future. Dr. Hafezieh, the deputy director for research and technology of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, referred to the strategy the Ministry of Petroleum to decide on gasoline subsidies and emphasized the need to study similar patterns in the aquatic product market. Dr. Adeli, the professor at the Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, also spoke about the market and marketing of aquatic products in the country and abroad and explained the events in this field. In the course of the meeting, the participants from different sectors of fisheries and aquaculture presented their opinions and suggestions and discussed and exchanged views. In the end, Dr. Bahmani noted that there is no specific framework for explaining socio - economic studies, and stated: Holding more meetings and challenging various issues is essential to breaking the deadlock and solving problems. Therefore, it is suggested that issues be prioritized in future sessions. The official of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute emphasized: By setting up the socio - economic study desk under the supervisory of Dr. Khodaei and with the cooperation of the Iran Fisheries Organization, the private sector, universities and other related research institutes and research centers, we can hope that a roadmap will be developed in this regard. He added: Since the issue of value chain in aquatic products is of great importance, the institute is ready to plan in this regard with the help of other related departments. Those involved in this field are also asked to assist the institute in reactivating the National Fish Processing Research Center and creating economic prosperity and promoting per capita consumption of fish and fish products. Regarding the budget line, Dr. Bahmani suggested that with the active participation of universities, executive bodies and the private sector, a comprehensive study should be conducted on socio - economics of fisheries and aquaculture. In addition, the development of a codified program in the market economy of aquatic products and their trade can be put on the agenda. In the end, it was decided that the request of the budget line and economy of the lanternfish, considering its importance and consumption of this product as an aquatic feed, be reviewed by the Iran Fisheries Organization.
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