Holding a scientific seminar

The scientific seminar with the title of "Use of oilseed meal to replace fish meal in aquatic nutrition" was presented by Dr. Hekmat Pour at the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center
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The scientific seminar with the title of "Use of oilseed meal to replace fish meal in aquatic nutrition" was presented by Dr. Fatemeh Hekmat Pour at the session hall of the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center in the presence of the head, the deputies, and the heads of specialized departments as well as the experts of the research center. In this seminar, Dr. Hekmat Pour on the one hand pointed to the challenge of reducing fish meal resources against the stability and rapid growth of the aquaculture industry and on the other hand finding other protein sources to completely or partially replace fish meal with these protein sources. She added: Among the alternative sources of fish meal is the meal of various oilseeds. These meals are by - products of oil extraction from oilseeds such as soybean, canola, flax, peanut, sesame and sunflower. Meals of these plant sources with moderate protein content are known as a suitable source of peptides in aquatic feeds. At the end, the questions raised in connection with the topic of the seminar were answered by her.
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