Intimate meeting of the general manager and the deputy director of administration and finance of the Gilan Department of Fisheries with the head and t

Intimate meeting of Mr. Modberi, the general manager of the Gilan Department of Fisheries, and Mr. Darvishi, the deputy director of administration and finance of the Gilan Department of Fisheries, with the head of the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute and the colleagues of the Fuman aquaculture research station of the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute – Gilan
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Dr. Sayad Borani, the head of the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute, welcomed the audience and thanked the sincere and very good cooperation of Department of Fisheries with the research institute in order to achieve the goals in the field of fisheries. He explained the policies of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute and the tasks of the research institute especially the Fuman aquaculture research station in order to introduce native species such as the Caspian white fish and the zander, and the gene bank project for Caspian barbel and asp as well as the selective breeding of carp. Dr. Sayad Borani called on the Department of Fisheries to support the projects of the Fuman aquaculture research station to increase the diversity of fish species. The head of the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute introduced the aquaculture biotechnology of native species and improved water productivity and increased production per unit area. He called for further development and cooperation of the Fuman aquaculture research station with the aquatic resource rebuilding centers. The general manager also provided explanations regarding the needs of fisheries in 2020 - 2021 and attention to research centers in order to help solve the problems of aquaculture practitioners. He described the situation of aquaculture production in the Gilan province, which in the field of warmwater fish has reached the production of 15 to 17 tons per hectare and in the field of cold water fish has reached the production of 50 kg / m3. He called for the attention and support of the province for projects related to jump in production. Mr. Darvishi also referred to the introduction of two research projects of the research institute by the Department of Fisheries to the planning manager of the province and called for moving towards practical plans. Finally, the colleagues provided suggestions and comments.
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