The head of the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center visited the shrimp farms and the greenhouse project in the Chavibdeh Complex in Abadan Count

Dr. Hooshmand, the head of the research center, and the expert of the department of aquatic animal health and diseases the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center - Ahvaz, visited the physical progress of the greenhouse pilot project in the Chavibdeh Complex, Abadan County
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In order to fulfill the orders of the Supreme Leader regarding the jump in production, Dr. Hooshmand, the head of the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center, together with Dr. Mohammadi Doust, the expert of the department of aquatic animal health and diseases, visited the physical progress of the greenhouse pilot project in the Chavibdeh Complex, Abadan County. It is worth mentioning that this project is being carried out with the scientific support and advice of experienced experts of this research center for building shrimp nursery to prevent the white spot disease. Since this project has good physical progress, they met with the private sector project executors, Mr. Ahmad Zadeh and Mr. Bohrani. They emphasized that the obstacles in front of the project should be removed and more cooperation and services should be provided by the research center. Dr. Hooshmand stated that considering the progress of this project, we hope that its positive results will lead to a boom and jump in shrimp production in this complex.
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