Laboratory of the Gwadar Shrimp Farming Site of the Chabahar Offshore Fisheries Research Center was set up in cooperation with the Department of Fishe

The laboratory of the Shahid Sanati Gwadar Shrimp Farming Site was set up in the presence of the head of the Chabahar Offshore Fisheries Research Center and the deputy director for aquaculture of the Department of Fisheries in order to help monitor shrimp farming activities
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At the ceremony attended by Dr. Nasiri, the deputy director for aquaculture of the Department of Fisheries, and Dr. Taheri, the health officer of the Shahid Sanati Gwadar Shrimp Farming Site, the laboratory of the Gwadar Shrimp Farming Site started its activities. They discussed the need for immediate testing on the site to ensure farmers and future joint programs on the site. It was also decided that the activities on the site will be carried out in coordination with the Department of Fisheries and the the Chabahar Offshore Fisheries Research Center and the Veterinary Directorate General, and that the visits of the technical working group after harvesting shrimp from the farms should continue in order for the postharvest preparation programs to be carried out in a principled manner. By announcing the need of the technical manager of the site regarding the measurement of sodium metabisulfite in the final product of shrimp, which is very important and necessary for the exports of the product and the need for huge credit to provide its measuring device, it was decided that with bilateral cooperation between processing plants and this center, the amount of sodium metabisulfite in shrimp should be evaluated by the titration method in order to save money and prevent further problems in shrimp exports.
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