Arrangements for bringing peace to Artemia

The aquatic organism, which was discovered in Lake Urmia in the late 1990s, has experienced a turbulent life so far and today officials are trying to bring peace to it again
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The life of Artemia (a type of brine shrimp), which is one of the most valuable reserves of azure water in Lake Urmia, has been threatened in recent decades due to water shortage of the lake. For some time, there was no evidence for the presence of Artemia in the lake. With the increase of the water level of Lake Urmia in recent years, which was carried out by the government of prudence and hope, the ground for Artemia to grow and live in the bed of 5,700 km of the lake was provided again. Once again, the people of the region are witnessing the return of life to this ecosystem and its unique aquatic organism. But this tranquility was temporary, and in the meantime some people, who had always caught fish from the muddy water, unaware of the ecological functions of this tiny aquatic organism did not sit idle again and set out to catch Artemia from salt water, unaware that by doing so, they will ax the roots of the environment and the valuable resources of the aquaculture industry. Threats to destroy the life of this aquatic organism along with the news of the discovery of 60 tons of Artemia from profiteers near Lake Urmia in recent weeks was a flip to ask environmental activists and researchers in the field about planning, studies and research on how to protect this aquatic organism. Illegal fishing and smuggling, barriers to artificial production of Artemia and the crisis of lake water scarcity and excessive salinity pose a risk of extinction of this valuable aquatic species and need a solution in order to be able to pass this valuable environmental and economic reserve as a valuable heritage to the future.
Environmental threat of illegal fishing of Artemia in Lake Urmia
The head of the Iranian Artemia Research Center told IRNA: Illegal fishing of Artemia and its smuggling in by the natives of the region is a threat to the life of this aquatic organism. Dr. Ali Nekouei Fard pointed out that Artemia caught should only be used as aquatic feed, and continued: If there are processed cysts and their packaging is in accordance with standard commercial patterns, they will be in demand anywhere in the world where there is an aquaculture industry especially shrimp breeding centers. However, American and Chinese companies are always narrowing the field for competitors. Regarding the smuggling of Artemia eggs from Lake Urmia, he said: Unfortunately, a lot of Artemia eggs are smuggled by the natives, a large part of which is lost due to lack of information and knowledge of storage and processing and at the same time, they damage the cyst reserves of the lake. He added: According to recent estimates, 70 tons of Artemia cysts can be harvested from Lake Urmia, without damaging the resources. Dr. Nekouei Fard announced his agreement with the authorized exploitation of Artemia cyst from Lake Urmia and stated: This exploitation should be based on environmental criteria and information and research. He called on the Department of Environment and the Iran Fisheries Organization to take measures for the permitted and appropriate harvest to prevent the smuggling and destruction of the Artemia cyst by the natives. Dr. Nekouei Fard mentioned the establishment of the Artemia Cyst Bank and Genetic Information Bank in the country for the first time in the government of prudence and hope in order to revive Lake Urmia. He said: One of the goals of this bank is to prevent the extinction of the Artemia urmiana and to conserve, maintain and regenerate it. He continued: If due to climatic change and the decline of the water level of Lake Urmia, we face a decrease in the genetic reserves of Artemia, we can inject these genetic reserves into the lake in the coming years and as the water level of the lake rises. He added: There are eight species of Artemia in the world, seven of which are bisexual, one of which is specific to Lake Urmia and is registered in the name of this lake. He mentioned: At present, 9 ponds have been constructed at the Iranian Artemia Research Center in Urmia in order to maintain and form the Artemia living gene bank which are monitored and evaluated for quality. The head of the Iranian Artemia Research Center stated that there are two species of Artemia in Iran and added: We try to provide cysts from different parts of the world for the Artemia Cyst Bank and Genetic Information Bank in the country and after determining their genetic identity, we will issue identification cards for them. He continued: We have the second largest cyst bank in the world, and for research work we have prepared and maintained 30 samples of coded cysts from Belgium and 34 new samples with genetic identification from countries such as Argentina, USA, occupied Palestine territory, Greece and Egypt. The head of the Iranian Artemia Research Center announced a significant increase in the number of eggs of this species in Lake Urmia to about 350 eggs per liter in June this year and said: This increase will lead to the creation of several generations of Artemia. Dr. Nekouei Fard said: According to our estimates of Artemia resources in Lake Urmia, the number of Artemia eggs or cysts in this lake in June 2020 was about 15 eggs per liter. This amount has increased with the increase in rainfall in the previous year and the implementation of lake rehabilitation projects and the release of river water into the lake. He stated: We sample every month through seven stations to assess Artemia resources in the water of Lake Urmia. In addition, the physical and chemical properties of water as well as the production of algae that Artemia feeds on are measured.
Lake Urmia is one of the largest natural habitats of Artemia in the world
The head and founder of the Iranian Artemia Research Center and the Department of Aquaculture of Urmia University and the President of the Iranian Scientific Aquaculture Association, regarding the farming of Artemia in Urmia, said: Lake Urmia is one of the largest natural habitats of Artemia in the world and the amount of Artemia produced in this lake is equivalent to Artemia which is produced annually in other major habitats in the world. Dr. Naser Agh added: Artemia urmiana is one of the seven known species of Artemia in the world and is unique to Lake Urmia, which naturally has about 55 % protein and 10 % fat. The researcher continued: Currently, the Artemia Research Center of the Urmia University is one of the best Artemia and Aquatic Research Centers in the world. So far, this research institute has done a lot of research in relation to the development of indigenous technical and biotechnical knowledge for the farming and processing of Artemia as well as the applications of Artemia in feeding commercially valuable fish. Dr. Agh stated that the breeding and production of Artemia itself is a very lucrative industry: The price of high quality dry Artemia cyst in the Iranian market is currently 800 thousand to one million Toman and the price of frozen Artemia is about sixty thousand Toman. The head of the Iranian Scientific Association of Aquaculture said: By cultivating Artemia in each month per hectare, it is possible to produce about 500 kg of Artemia worth 30 million Toman or 15 kg of dry Artemia cyst at a price of at least 12 million Toman. Dr. Agh added: At present, a large amount of Artemia cyst is illegally and unscientifically harvested from Lake Urmia, and most of it is destroyed due to unscientific processing, a huge wealth that should actually be spent on development, progress and job creation in the province. The head of the Iranian Aquaculture Association pointed out that the shrimp, sturgeon, marine fish and ornamental fish industry in the early stages of growth is 100 % dependent on Artemia, and emphasized: Almost all of the needs of the country come from the United States and China, and today, for whatever reason, if the import of Artemia eggs is stopped, the aquaculture industry of the country will be in great danger. He said: It is necessary to remove the existing obstacles for artificial farming of Artemia and its exploitation from Lake Urmia as soon as possible in accordance with the law and ecological considerations in order to protect and preserve this valuable aquatic organism.
The discovery of 60 tons of Artemia from profiteers
The general manager of the Department of Environment of the West Azerbaijan province told the reporter in this regard: In order to protect the Urmia Lake National Park, patrolling this ecosystem is always on the agenda of the Environmental Protection Unit and in July of this year, this unit discovered and confiscated 60 tons of Artemia in this regard from profiteers. Mr. Mehran Nazari stated: The violators were sentenced to pay a fine of 900 million rials to the Department of Environment, and the existing Artemia were seized and released into the lake. He added: It is necessary to provide information, necessary environmental education for local communities in this field and provide employment and production in this context to prevent overfishing in this sector. Also, local communities should become the custodians of this valuable aquatic organism instead of becoming the destroyers of this aquatic organism. The general manager of the Department of Environment of the West Azerbaijan province stated that in the last 2 years, with the improvement of the conditions of Lake Urmia, Artemia urmiana has reached a very suitable situation. He said: With increasing water volume and decreasing salinity, Artemia cysts have hatched and become mature Artemia, and Artemia can be seen abundantly in the lake surface. He stated: According to the Artemia life cycle, every year in spring, with favorable ecological conditions such as warming air and water temperatures, increasing water oxygen and decreasing salinity due to the entry of fresh water, the embryo inside the cysts hatches and after a few days becomes mature Artemia. Mr. Nazari stated: If the different conditions are suitable, its population may reach the maximum level, and after the end of summer, what is left of Artemia in the salt water of the lake is the cyst and carcass of dead Artemia. He added: The cysts released from female Artemia remain in the water and sediments of the lake and will bring Artemia to life in the lake again next year.
Buying more than four tons of Artemia cyst
The technical deputy director of the Department of Environment of the West Azerbaijan province told IRNA: During the years when the condition of the lake was critical and especially the southern part of the lake was completely dry, fears about the possibility of Artemia extinction increased. Mr. Hojjat Jabbari said: In order to preserve the genetic resources of this native and unique species, the Department of Environment of the West Azerbaijan province purchased more than four tons of Artemia urmiana cysts, which are currently stored in the ice house under standard conditions. He pointed out that currently no permit is issued for the exploitation of cysts and Artemia from Lake Urmia. He added: Such a decision will require further investigation and careful assessment of Artemia resources in the lake in the coming months. He stated that he had corresponded with the Management and Planning Organization to assess the resources and mentioned: Artemia stock assessment studies will be performed if funding is provided. He described the industrialization of Artemia farming by the private sector outside the borders of Lake Urmia National Park as another way to protect the valuable resources of Artemia urmiana. He said: This can both lead to job creation and prevent illegal fishing. The technical deputy director of the Department of Environment of the West Azerbaijan province added: The Department of Environment of the province has announced its readiness to review and comment on the existing requests in this field. Artemia was industrially harvested from Lake Urmia for the first time in the country from 1999 to 2001. This harvest was reduced to zero due to the sharp decrease in the water of Lake Urmia, the increase in its salinity and the decrease in the amount of live Artemia in the lake. The global aquaculture industry generates more than $ 100 billion in annual revenue and employs nearly 30 million people worldwide, all of which are related to the production and cultivation of Artemia. In this regard, Iran can play a significant role in the production of this marine animal and job creation. Artemia is a small organism that is widely used as a live feed in the initial diet of shrimp, marine fish, sturgeon and ornamental fish. The four groups of aquatic animals in the early stages of growth depend on this creature with high energy and high nutritional value. Artemia urmiana can live in salinity up to 220 g / l, but now the salinity of Lake Urmia is higher than this due to the hot season and reduced rainfall, making it difficult for this species to survive. Annually, about 100 kg of Artemia cyst is produced in the country and 10 to 30 tons of Artemia cysts are imported from official and unofficial sources for the use in the country for aquaculture.
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