Increase of Artemia eggs in Lake Urmia

The head of the Iranian Artemia Research Center announced a significant increase in the number of eggs of this species in Lake Urmia to about 350 eggs per liter in June this year and said: This increase will lead to the creation of several generations of Artemia
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Dr. Ali Nekouei Fard in an interview with the news site of the Ministry of Agriculture Jihad said: According to our estimates of Artemia resources in Lake Urmia, the number of Artemia eggs or cysts in this lake in June 2020 was about 15 eggs per liter. This amount has increased with the increase in rainfall in the previous year and the implementation of lake rehabilitation projects and the release of river water into the lake. He stated: We sample every month through seven stations to assess Artemia resources in the water of Lake Urmia. In addition, the physical and chemical properties of water as well as the production of algae that Artemia feeds on are measured. Dr. Nekouei Fard mentioned the establishment of the Artemia Cyst Bank and Genetic Information Bank in the country for the first time in the government of prudence and hope in order to revive Lake Urmia. He said: One of the goals of this bank is to prevent the extinction of the Artemia urmiana and to conserve, maintain and regenerate it. He continued: If due to climatic change and the decline of the water level of Lake Urmia, we face a decrease in the genetic reserves of Artemia, we can inject these genetic reserves into the lake in the coming years and as the water level of the lake rises. Dr. Nekouei Fard mentioned collecting cysts, determining genetic identity and registering, recording and encoding them as other activities of Artemia Cyst Bank and Genetic Information Bank. He continued: There are eight species of Artemia in the world, seven of which are bisexual, one of which is specific to Lake Urmia and is registered in the name of this lake. He added: At present, 9 ponds have been constructed at the Iranian Artemia Research Center in Urmia in order to maintain and form the Artemia living gene bank which are monitored and evaluated for quality. Regarding the smuggling of Artemia eggs from Lake Urmia, the head of the Iranian Artemia Research Center said: Unfortunately, there is a lot of smuggling of Artemia eggs from this lake by the natives, a large part of which is lost due to lack of information and knowledge of storage and processing which also damages the Artemia cyst resources in the lake. He clarified: According to our estimates, in 2019 - 2020, 70 tons of Artemia cysts could be harvested from Lake Urmia without damaging the resources. Dr. Nekouei Fard announced his agreement with the authorized exploitation of Artemia cyst from Lake Urmia and stated: This exploitation should be based on environmental criteria and information and research. He called on the Department of Environment and the Iran Fisheries Organization to take measures for the permitted and appropriate harvest to prevent the smuggling and destruction of the Artemia cyst by the natives. The head of the Iranian Artemia Research Center stated that there are two species of Artemia in Iran and added: We try to provide cysts from different parts of the world for the Artemia Cyst Bank and Genetic Information Bank in the country and after determining their genetic identity, We try to provide cysts from different parts of the world for cysts and Artemia genetic, we will issue identification cards for them. He continued: We have the second largest cyst bank in the world, and for research work we have prepared and maintained 30 samples of coded cysts from Belgium and 34 new samples with genetic identification from countries such as Argentina, USA, occupied Palestine territory, Greece and Egypt. Dr. Nekouei Fard also explained about the characteristics of Artemia: In bad conditions such as low water and high salinity, this aquatic animal produces resistant eggs that can remain in the salt layers at the bottom of the lake and become Artemia nauplii in later years as the water conditions improve. He stated: Artima are ovoviviparous when the salinity of water and food is adequate, and a female Artima will produce 4,000 Artemia nauplii during her three - month life.
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