Holding a scientific lecture

The scientific lecture with the title of "Review of the status of the Eurasian otter in Anzali Wetland" was held at the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute
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The scientific lecture with the title of "Review of the status of the Eurasian otter in Anzali Wetland" was presented by Dr. Alireza Mirzajani in the conference hall of the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute. The subject of this lecture is taken from a research project that has been conducted with the participation of the University of Guilan and the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute in the Anzali Wetland and its drainage basin. JICA was the employer of the research project. In this lecture, the biological characteristics of the Eurasian otter, distribution, nutritional status and its impact on fish ponds were presented. During the study, the advanced night - vision cameras and a new isotope analysis method were used. The presence of the Eurasian otter was reported in the whole wetland, rivers and in 67 % of fish ponds (370 ponds) in its drainage basin. The study of feeding of this animal using the combined method of dung and isotope data of the Eurasian otter muscle showed that a wide range of food items are consumed by the Eurasian otter. Fish (especially crucian carp), reptiles and frogs are the Eurasian otter most important food items with 53, 22 and 5.5 %, respectively. Due to the very important role of the Eurasian otter in the balance of the natural ecosystem of the Anzali Wetland (especially in the elimination of weeds) and since the population situation of the Eurasian otter in the Anzali Wetland is very fragile, the Eurasian otter is classified as threatened species. At the end of the scientific lecture, specific solutions for the Eurasian otter survival and conservation, eco - friendly measures such as fencing and the use of dogs by fish farmers to protect the aquaculture products have been proposed.
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