Visit to the largest fishing pier in Chabahar

The regional promoters and the head of the Chabahar Offshore Fisheries Research Center visited the largest fishing pier in the western part of Chabahar (the Shahid Rezaei Port in Zarabad District)
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Dr. Ajdari, the head of the Chabahar Offshore Fisheries Research Center, along with Mr. Azhang, the fisheries extension liaison officer, the public relations officer, the fisheries extension officer in the deputy of fisheries and fishing ports of the Department of Fisheries of the province, and Dr. Kordi in coordination with the port manager and the head of Kalat village visited the Shahid Rezaei fishing pier located in the western part of the coast of the Sistan and Baluchestan province. At the face - to - face meeting, the fisheries extension programs and the implementation of production assistants plan in the field of capture fisheries, the protection of the sea and the implementation of the protected area plan to rebuild aquatic resources, especially lobsters in that area were discussed. At the meeting, after listening to the words of the port manager, the regional promoters of the two fisheries bodies spoke about their role in the fisheries extension as well as their executive programs which was welcomed by all the audience. They said that over the past 10 years, the fisheries extension and training activities have diminished and the need for the presence of promoters in the fishing community is more than ever. They mentioned that these fisheries extension programs as well as communications with fishermen should be carried out at least monthly at the fishermen's workplace and at the appropriate time in coordination with fishermen. The head of the village welcomed the audience and emphasized the need to continue such cooperation. Holding meetings for skills training in new fishing and marine aquaculture jobs as well as conducting extension programs in the village to use the opportunity to motivate and create new job opportunities for residents, especially the youth of the coastal village of Kalat next to the Shahid Rezaei fishing pier were among the topics that was emphasized by the head of the village.
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