Visit to the sturgeon aquaculture farm

In order to cooperate with people active in the field of aquaculture and to implement the production assistants plan, Mr. Mesgarian's sturgeon aquaculture farm in the Cheli region in the Golestan province was visited
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In order to implement the national plan of production assistants, Dr. Aghaei Moghaddam, the head of the Inland Waters Aquatic Stocks Research Center – Gorgan, and the head of the aquaculture department visited the private sector sturgeon aquaculture farm belonging to Mr. Mesgarian in the village of Cheli in Golestan province with the production capacity of 15 tons of fish filets and 500 kg of caviar. Huso huso, Acipenser stellatus and Acipenser baerii are raised on this farm. Various parts of the farm were visited including entrances, exits, sediment traps, facilities, feed storage warehouses and rearing ponds. In an intimate meeting, the farmer first expressed his problems during the farming period including water quality and quantitative and qualitative study of farmed fish. Then they talked about the need for technical advice and implementation advice to achieve caviar production. Finally, it was decided that regular visits to the farm should be conducted by the experts of the Inland Waters Aquatic Stocks Research Center. Information on water quality as well as growth and health status of fish should be recorded for one year and then analyzed. It was also decided that the experts of the research center should present their solutions to improve the condition of the farm.
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