Holding a scientific lecture

The scientific lecture with the title of "Climatic geomorphology of Shafa Rud sub -catchment area" was held at the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute - Gilan
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The scientific lecture with the title of "Climatic geomorphology of Shafa Rud sub - catchment area" was presented by Mr. Saeed Safaei in the conference hall of the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute. The climatic geomorphology is a subdivision of geological sciences that studies the role of climate in shaping landforms and the earth - surface processes and examines the relationship of these changes to the outcrops on the surface of the earth. The Shafa Rud River in the west of Gilan province is one of the rivers that part of its catchment area is in high mountainous areas and another part is in low altitude areas attached to the Caspian Sea and is one of the few sub - catchment areas in the west of Gilan province. The height of this catchment area gradually increases with increasing distance from the coastal and plain areas, while the height of the Talesh Mountains region increases rapidly after the coastal and plain areas. Based on the Amberg climograph, the climate of the Shafa Rud sub - catchment area is classified as a cold and humid climate. Based on the Dumarten climate classification method, its climate is classified as a very humid climate. Compared to the Sefid - rud River catchment area, the Shafa Rud sub - catchment area lacks strong tectonic and dynamic activities in terms of geology in the modern geologic time and its geomorphological developments in the late geological period seem to have been mainly due to climatic factors. So that factors such as temperature and precipitation directly and indirectly have played a major role in these changes.
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