Effect of implementing the "Production Assistants" project on aquaculture

The deputy director of fisheries and aquaculture extension and transfer of research findings of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute said: Production assistants can help producers with the problems of shrimp farming and the development of the shrimp farming sector
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In an interview with the Iranian Agriculture News Agency (IANA), Dr. Homayoun Hossein Zadeh Sahafi, the deputy director of fisheries and aquaculture extension and transfer of research findings of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, stated about the production assistants project: The production assistants project belongs to the subgroup related to the extension system. The institute will also help with this project. He added: In 2019 - 2020, more than 1.2 million tons of fisheries products were produced in the country, of which about 380,000 tons are aquaculture products, warm - water fish, coldwater fish and shrimp, and a significant part of it is from capture fisheries and exploitation of marine aquatics. Dr. Hossein Zadeh pointed out to the effect of the production assistants plan on increasing the production of healthy fisheries products. He stated: Active businesses in the field of disease prevention and haw to provide shrimp larvae and juvenile fish need the presence of promoters and production assistants to guide production in order to advance the goals of the year of “A Jump in Production”. The deputy director of fisheries and aquaculture extension and transfer of research findings added: We have dedicated 11 research institutes and research centers to the implementation of this project and we are seriously pursuing it through correspondence and holding meetings in the provinces. He continued: Production assistants can help producers solve shrimp farming problems and develop shrimp farming sector. We are planning for the southern provinces of the country so that these promoters can help the shrimp farmers in the shrimp farms. Regarding the sending of promoters to provinces without research centers, Dr. Hossein Zadeh said: We have sent more than 800 certain researchers for warm – water fish farming in some provinces where there are no research centers. He pointed out that the production assistants plan could be effective in improving the qualitative productivity in shrimp farming in the south of the country. He noted: With the help of production assistants and the use of probiotics in shrimp farming, we can achieve better and healthier production which has been tested by the researchers in various research departments and will be transferred to the farmers and producers. The deputy director of fisheries and aquaculture extension and transfer of research findings of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute continued: In this project, several measures have been taken to provide feed and ensure its quality for coldwater fish and to treat aquatic animals and ensure the health of farms. He added: The production of disease - free fish juveniles and the safety and health of fish will also be considered in the production assistants plan. Dr. Hossein Zadeh stated: In other areas of fisheries sciences such as sturgeon, ornamental fish and other aquatic organisms, we have formed a working group with the participation of relevant agencies such as the Iran Veterinary Organization and the Iran Fisheries Organization to evaluate effective strategies to increase productivity in this sector. He mentioned: In the field of capture fisheries, we are evaluating the conditions of fishing, taking into account the issues of governance and conservation of resources. We have had several meetings with fishermen in coastal cities to transfer fishing methods appropriate to sustainable exploitation of resources and to raise the level of awareness of fishermen.
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