Coordination meeting to implement production assistance project

The coordination meeting for the implementation of the production assistance project was held in the year of “A Jump in Production” with the presence of the affiliated and attached agencies to the Organization of Agriculture - Jahad - Mazandaran province
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Following the announcement of the minister of the Ministry of Agriculture Jihad to implement the production assistance project, the coordination meeting for the implementation of the project was held in the meeting hall of the Organization of Agriculture - Jahad of the province with the presence of the head of the Organization of Agriculture - Jahad - Mazandaran province and the affiliated and attached agencies to the Organization of Agriculture - Jahad of the province and the researchers as well as the other members. Dr. Ali Taheri Amiri, as the secretary of the production assistance project in the province, stated that the production assistance project is an advanced version of the new extension system and it was decided that in this project, 50 % of the capacity of the affiliated and attached research centers will be used for short - term programs in the field of agriculture so that it can be used by the farmers. In the New Year, the research department should accompany and support the extension management more than before to solve the problems of production and producers. The secretary of the production assistance project stated: In this project by forming monitoring and supervisory teams consisting of researchers and executive experts, the challenges in the field of production have been investigated and solutions to solve the problem have been provided immediately in order to achieve the desired result and facilitate the transfer of knowledge to the exploiters and farmers. Dr. Mahmoud Reza Ramezanpour, the head of the Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, stated: In the production assistance project, the results of scientific research and research findings are provided directly to the users and all researchers are required to be present in the various fields of production and to work as a team and purposefully to develop research and extension activities on farms. The number of the specific researchers from the research centers in Mazandaran province (the Mazandaran Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, the deputy of the Rice Research Institute of Iran, the Citrus and Subtropical Fruits Research Center, the Caspian Sea Ecology Research Center and the Coldwater Fishes Research Center of Tonekabon) in 2019 – 2020 reached 101 people in 22 specializations who have been and will be working with the regional promoters. The head of the Caspian Sea Ecology Research Center stated that last year, 8 academic members of the research center were introduced to the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization as the specific researchers based on various specialties. He also said that the implementation of three extension projects on the model sites has increased production and helped exploiters. He announced an increase in the number of people on the list of specific researchers at the research center and cited three programs including producing vaccine for yersiniosis and streptococcosis, producing biosilage and determining kilka fishing in the deep sea which will be unveiled by the end of the year of “A Jump in Production”. He has also expressed interest in establishing a product-thematic secretariat at the research center. Mr. Shahidifar, the head of the Organization of Agriculture - Jahad - Mazandaran province, said that we should take a serious look at the research and emphasized: The new atmosphere in the Ministry of Agriculture Jihad is to focus on knowledge - based and product - oriented agriculture. The head of the Organization of Agriculture said: The production assistance project emphasizes the synergy and harmony between the executive and research sectors and operators and producers will benefit from this space. Mr. Shahidifar pointed out that the production assistance project can examine all the problems of the agricultural sector and can provide operational plans and ideas for it, and added: In this project, the participation and active presence of all organizations including the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, the Iran Fisheries Organization and the Iran Veterinary Organization as well as the specialized departments of the organization have been emphasized. The head of the Organization of Agriculture - Jahad - Mazandaran province pointed out to the formation of the specialized committees for livestock and poultry, agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and aquaculture, natural resources and water and soil in the production assistance project and said: The presence of researchers in this project should be very bold. The result of all these activities should be a leap in the production and satisfaction of farmers and producers, and in this regard, each center should cover 15 villages directly under this project. He stated: The production assistance project emphasizes the quantity, quality and health of production and all of this must happen together. Of course, he stressed the need to preserve land, pastures, forests as well as the sea and he called for a focus on agricultural economics and economic production in the production assistance project. It was also decided to prepare a booklet by the end of June based on short - term plans and projects in all the above mentioned fields and in line with the production assistance project, and to present this booklet to the governor of the Mazandaran province and the minister of the Ministry of Agriculture Jihad.
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