Visit to the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center - Ahvaz

Dr. Bahmani, the director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, and Dr. Hafezieh, the deputy director of research and technology of the institute, visited the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center
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Dr. Bahmani, the director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, and Dr. Hafezieh, the deputy director of research and technology of the institute, met with researchers and experts and were informed about the activities of the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center, dated 8 February 2020. They visited laboratories, research ponds and breeding hall for warmwater fish. Dr. Bahmani and Dr. Hafezieh attended the meeting of the research council of the research center held at the session hall.Dr. Simin Dehghan, the head of the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center, welcomed the audience as the first speaker and provided a report on the current status of the research center.Dr. Hooshmand, the deputy director of research and technology of the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center, also provided a report on the research situation in 2019 – 2020. Then, the heads of the research groups in the field of aquaculture, biology and aquatic resource assessment, aquatic health and diseases as well as ecology and the heads of the department of education and extension described in separatereports the status of their respective groups and identified the strengths and challenges facing their research area. At the end, Dr. Bahmani emphasized future research and focusing on the challenges in the aquaculture industry. The director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute identified communication with beneficiaries as one of the most important priorities of the institute and researchers. In the second part of the meeting, which was attended by the officials of the administrative and support units, full reports on the support and administration were provided by Mr. Ansari, the deputy director of planning and support, and the planning and budgeting, financial, administrative, vehicle and services, scientific information and security managers. In the final conclusion, Dr. Bahmani answered the questions posed by his colleagues.The director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute expressed hope that by attracting the anticipated funds, the existing problems would be resolved and we would be progressive and successful with the efforts of our colleagues. At the end, he thanked the management of the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center and the managers of the research departments and units for their efforts and precision in doing the assigned tasks. The work plan of Dr. Bahmani, the director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, at the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center - Ahvaz is as follows:
1. Visit to the laboratories and research departments of the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center
2.Intimate meeting and exchange of views with the academic members and researchers of the research center
3.Intimate meeting and discussing ideas, problems and views as well as exchanging opinions with all the staff and colleagues of the research center
4. Meeting and agreeing with Dr. Rosa Nejad, the head of the Khoramshahr Marine Science and Technology University and the accompanying delegation to cooperate and benefit from the capacity of all parties
5.Joint meeting with Mr. Abu Ali, the general manager of the Khuzestan Department of Fisheries, as well as the deputy director of aquaculture development of Iran Fisheries Organization and the accompanying delegation
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