Ceremony to celebrate role models in agricultural sector

Ceremony to celebrate the role models in agricultural sector was held at the Iran International Conference Center with the presence of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute
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The ceremony to celebrate the role models in agricultural sector was held. Dr. Hassan Rouhani, the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Keshavarz, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture Jihad, and Dr. Khavazi, the deputy minister and the head of the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organizationdelivered speech at the ceremony. They unveiled the most important events and future goals of the agricultural sector. At the ceremony, the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute along with other affiliated institutes with the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization presented their latest scholar and research products. At the ceremony, President Rouhani also visited the booth of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute. On the sidelines of the ceremony, Dr. Mahmoud Bahmani, the director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, also explained the achievements of the institute to the President. It is worth mentioning that the top 14 role models in agricultural sector were from fisheries and aquaculture sector.
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