Edible oyster farming project was visited

Dr. Bahmani along with the research team visited the edible oyster farming project at the wharf of Bandar-e Mollu
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Dr. Mahmoud Bahmani along with Dr. Zare, the deputy of the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization, Dr. Bazargan, the deputy director of research of the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization, Dr. Eshaghi, the head of the Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, and his deputy visited the edible oyster farming project at the wharf of Bandar- e Mollu. The project began with the collection of oyster spat from July 2019 and continued until October 2019 with the farming of oysters in larger baskets. The farming period is eight months and the market size is about 55 to 60 mm. The final product, of course, is of high nutritional value and research is ongoing on its marketing in the southern countries of the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea. Two farms are currently farming this edible oyster at the wharf of Bandar- e Mollu and Bandar Lengeh. Also, the fisheries cooperative and the local department of fisheries are partners of the project. The value of these edible oysters is estimated at $ 3 per kilogram which can be a special business package for job seekers.
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