Visiting Ferdows ship in the Persian Gulf

Dr. Bahmani along with the research team visited the Ferdows ship and the macro project of stock assessment of benthic resources in the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea
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Dr. Bahmani along with accompanying delegation (Dr. Bazargan, the deputy director of research of the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization, Dr. Zare, the deputy of the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization, Dr. Eshaghi, the head of the Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, Dr. Amighi Rudsari, the deputy director of research and technology of the Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute and a group of researchers and managers of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute) evaluated the structure and activity of the various parts of the Ferdows I research vessel and assessed the sampling and bioassay procedures of the fish caught by trawl. At the same time, the sampler machine to investigate the physical and chemical factors of the water at different depths as well as sampling procedure at the bottom of the sea were visited. The strengths and weaknesses of the Ferdows I research vessel as well as the macro project of stock assessment of benthic resourcesin the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea were discussed at the intimate meeting of the director of the institute with the ship captain.
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