Holding the Farm Day

The Farm Day ceremony was held for the aquaculture extension project on prevention of red - head syndrome in cultured shrimp
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Following the successful launch of the Transfer of Research Findings Day, the Farm Day ceremony was held for the aquaculture extension project on prevention of red - head syndrome in cultured shrimp. The Farm Day ceremony was held under the title of Practical Solutions for Reducing Red – Head Syndrome in Shrimp. The ceremony was held at the location of Marjan Seafood Company in Abadan. The project was implemented with the support of the deputy of fisheries and aquaculture extension and transfer of research findings of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute as well as the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center – Khuzestan, and the involvement of the private sector, the deputy of agricultural extension of the Organization of Agriculture- Jahad- Khuzestan, the Khuzestan Department of Fisheries, the Veterinary Directorate General of Khuzestan Province, the Organization of Agriculture- Jahad- Abadan and the Organization of Agriculture- Jahad- Chavibdeh. At the start of the program, Dr. Hushmand, the deputy director of research and technology and transfer of research findings of the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center, stated the importance of implementing the project, which was prepared at the request of exploiters and in order to find out the causes of the syndrome and to provide solutions for its reduction and elimination, and described the two - way relationship of research and promotion as a way of transferring the knowledge of researchers to the exploiters. Dr. Hushmand expressed his gratitude to Dr Mohammadi Doust, the executor of the project, Dr Ahangar Zadeh, the fisheries and aquaculture extension affairs executive, Mr. Moalem and Mr. Tabibi, the shrimp farmers at the Chavibdeh site (as the model site in this extension project) and Mr. Ahmad Zadeh, the chief executive officer of the Marjan Seafood Company. A visit was made to the shrimp processing and packaging steps at the seafood factory and the participants were provided with the necessary explanations on the ways of reducing the red - head syndrome in cultured shrimp.
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