First Farm Day Ceremony

The National Shrimp Farm Day ceremony was held in Bushehr under the title of Optimized Shrimp Farming Management
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The National Shrimp Farm Day ceremony was held in the presence of managers, researchers, regional promoters and activists of the shrimp industry under the title of Optimized Shrimp Farming Management with the approach of transfer of knowledge and technology and sustainable development. The ceremony was held at the Shrimp Research Institute of Iran, Bushehr province. The First National Shrimp Farm Day ceremony attended by Dr. Bahmani, the director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, (Dr. Bahmani focused on the status of the shrimp industry, the potentials, challenges and necessities for improvement and sustainable shrimp farming) Dr. Bazargan, the deputy director of research and technology of the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization, (Dr. Bazargan emphasized the need for socio - economic studies of shrimp markets and the supply chain) Dr. Zarrin Far, the deputy director of economic affairs and resource development of the Bushehr Governorate, (Dr. Zarrinfar pointed to the important and good position of the shrimp industry and mentioned that completing and establishing the infrastructure and pursuing the health of production in the shrimp industry is one of the important programs of the province) and Mr. Zendeh Boudi, the head of the Bushehr Department of Fisheries, Mr. Abbasi, the head of the Shrimp Farmers' Union of the province, Mr. Pakari, the representative of the collaborative farmers in extension projects as well as Mr. Qodsi, the collaborative farmer in extension projects, (they addressed serious problems and concerns of producers in different fields for provincial managers and research and agricultural extension managers of the Organization of Agriculture- Jahad). Dr. Bahmani pointed to the research and extension projects in the south and north of the country, diseases and ways of disease management, processing, market and the importance of optimal management of shrimp farming as the aquaculture extension policies of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute for the sustainable development of the shrimp industry. The director of t the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute at the National Shrimp Farm Day ceremony (under the title of Optimized Shrimp Farming Management) in Bushehr said: White spot disease is one of the viral - borne diseases that caused many casualties and losses. The disease is now under control and management of shrimp farming appears to be one of the most important factors that can control the white spot disease in the shrimp industry in both larvae and shrimp broodstock. The Shrimp Research Institute of Iran has launched the first SPF Shrimp Center (Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) shrimp) in a few years, producing about 4,000 pairs of shrimp as shrimp broodstock annually which accounts for 10% of the country's needs. Between 40,000 and 50,000 pairs of shrimp as shrimp broodstock are needed annually by the shrimp farming industry, now supplied by importers. He said shrimp production has grown dramatically in recent years as 47,000 tones of shrimp were produced in the country last year, which according to preliminary estimates was worth more than 1900 billion toman. In addition to the southern provinces, which are the origin of the cultured shrimp, the shrimp farming projects are in progress in the Gomishan area of ​​the Golestan province. One of the important things to perform in the shrimp industry is the processing and the use of by - products that are on the agenda. In this regard, although much has been done by the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute and the private sector, we must be able to bring about a new transformation to make the industry more economical in the country. Probiotics are among the compounds that are exclusively extracted from the digestive tract of shrimp and researchers from the Shrimp Research Institute of Iran have so far extracted more than two probiotics, he said. More than five tones of probiotic products have been sold to the private sector this year and the knowledge of producing this product has been provided to a knowledge - based company. Hopefully, in the near future, more proprietary probiotics will be on the agenda that can help boost shrimp growth and immune system. In relation to export destinations of the country cultured shrimp, shrimp farmers export a significant portion of their production to the countries bordering the Caspian Sea including Russia and Azerbaijan as well as some European countries. Dr. Bahmani said that much of the shrimp was exported to China and Vietnam in the past. The director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute added: If we work on issues related to the social economy, trade and commerce of shrimp with the help of the private sector and other beneficiaries in different areas, it is possible to strengthen the country's ranking regarding shrimp export status.

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