Iran-Norway joint venture in cage fish farming

Today, Iran and Norway held a joint meeting to develop fish farming in the cage, in which the executive sector and research sector were required to support this investment
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At the quadrilateral meeting among the Iranian  Fisheries Science and Research Institute, the Iran Fisheries Organization, the private sector  and the Norwegian experts aimed at transferring the technical knowledge of cage fish farming to the country and mutual  cooperation, Dr. Mahmoud Bahmani said:Fortunately, Salmo  trutta caspius that has been selected for farming in cages in the northern  waters of Iran, is the best choice.The director of the  Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, added:At present, reproduction, production and feed  formulation of Salmo trutta caspius has been localized by researchers of  the institute and can be transferred to the industry.He said the issue of fish farming in the cage  was one of the ministry's top priorities and the minister of Agriculture Jihad emphasized  its development. Dr. Mahmoud Bahmani mentioned that the Iranian Fisheries  Science and Research Institute, as the research and development arm and  scientific backing, will be of great help in the cage fish farming industry.At the meeting, the Iran Fisheries Organization  also welcomed the investment and will provide special facilities to the private  sector for the development of cage fish farming.It should be noted that  the Norwegian experts will visit the coastal areas of Mazandaran province in  the next two days and examine the potentials for this purpose.
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