Visiting the Coldwater Fishes Research Center of Tonekabon

Dr. Bahmani, the director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, and the accompanying delegation visited the Coldwater Fishes Research Center of Tonekabon
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Dr. Bahmani, the director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, and the accompanying delegation visited the Coldwater Fishes Research Center of Tonekabon. He visited different parts of the center including the site under construction for Salmo trutta caspius, the gabion wall under construction on the banks of the river, the aquaculture site for Salmo trutta caspius, the site for the macro project of Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) rainbow trout production, the aeration tower, the ozone room and the oxygenator. The director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute He provided valuable tips and suggestions for better implementation of research and construction projects. Dr. Mohseni, the head of the Coldwater Fishes Research Center of Tonekabon, welcomed Dr. Bahmani and his accompanying delegation (Dr. Seyed Mortezaei, the deputy director of research and technology, Dr. Hossein Zadeh, the deputy director of fisheries and aquaculture extension and transfer of research findings, Dr. Sepahdari, the executor of the macro project of Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) rainbow trout production and Mr. Faezi, the institute security officer). Dr. Mohseni gave a brief explanation of the progress of the center's construction activities and the amount of funding received and costs incurred. Then, Dr. Lashkari, the deputy director of research and technology of the Coldwater Fishes Research Center of Tonekabon, presented a brief report on the Center's research performance. The colleagues present at the meeting each introduced themselves and presented their suggestions and problems within the framework of the tasks.Dr. Bahmani, while reviewing the points of view, referred to the most important points and provided explanations as needed.Dr. Seyed Mortezaei provided additional information on research projects. Dr. Hossein Zadeh also provided tips on commercializing research achievements and holding training – extension courses for coldwater fish farmers. Finally, Dr.  Sepahdari expressed his appreciation to the executors and respectable colleagues of the macro project of Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) rainbow trout production and provided some comments on the process of its implementation and its achievements.
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