Artemia culture extension course

The extension course for Artemia culture and the exploitation and processing of Artemia products were conducted theoretically and practically for regional experts, enthusiasts, promoters and operators at the Iranian Artemia Research Center
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In order to help boost the production of Artemia in unconventional waters and to fulfill the obligations of the promotion area, the education - extension course were conducted theoretically and practically for regional experts, enthusiasts, promoters and operators. There were 40 participants in this training course. Dr. Nekoui Fard, the head of the Iranian Artemia Research Center, and Dr. Seidgar as well as Dr. Abbaspour were trained in theory and practice about Artemia and its species in the world, the economic value, the types of cultivated ponds, the way of Artemia preparation and cultivation, the nutritional value of Artemia in the aquaculture industry, marketing  and income generation of Artemia and the method of Artemia processing. Then, with the presentation of the educational film on the various stages of preparation of the cultivation ponds and the method of exploitation and processing of Artemia products, the necessary explanations were provided by Dr. Nekoui Fard.
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