Economic production of Artemia in earthen ponds

The head of the Iranian Artemia Research Center in a conversation with the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting of West Azerbaijan Province, Urmia
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The  head of the Iranian Artemia Research Center said: If the condition of Lake  Urmia is improved and its ecological balance is reached, all the country's need  for Artemia, which is the only living creature of this lake, will be  provided. Dr. Nekoui Fard referred to the import of 70 tons of Artemia  per year and added: The cost of importing Artemia is $ 80 to $ 100 per  kilogram. He mentioned that a center of about 200 hectares in Kerman and a  center of about 10 hectares in the Fesenduz  distict of ​​ Miandoab County are active  in the production and reproduction of Artemia. He also said that five  tons of Artemia biomass and 100 kg of Artemia cysts are produced per  hectare of the earthen ponds. The price per kilogram of Artemia is  around $ 50 to $ 130.
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