Educational workshop

Educational workshop on the production of Artemia in earthen ponds at the Iranian Artemia Research Center - Urmia
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The two-day educational workshop on the production of Artemia in earthen ponds was held at the Iranian Artemia Research Center with the participation of experts, exploiters, university students and interested parties on June 25-26. The main topics of the workshop include biology, ecology and distribution, the use of Artemia in aquaculture, intensive Artemia culture in earthen ponds, monitoring and management of the Artemia culture and economic evaluation of Artemia culture were presented by Dr. Ali Nekoui Fard, the head of the Iranian Artemia Research Center and Dr. Mahmoud Hafezieh, the head of the selective breeding and aquaculture of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute. Participants visited the research and laboratory potentials, geomembrane pools, reproduction and production of Artemia and processing hall for Artemia cyst and Artemia biomass.
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