Educational workshop

Educational workshop on the application of probiotics in shrimp industry was held at the Chabahar Offshore Fisheries Research Center
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Educational workshop on "The application of probiotics in shrimp industry" was organized with the participation of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, the Department of Fisheries of the province and the Chabahar Offshore Fisheries Research Center for the exploiters of the Gwadar shrimp site. The educational workshop was held in the presence of Mr. Bameri, the deputy governor and governor of Chabahar, Mr. Mir Morad Zehi, the general manager of the Department of Fisheries of the province, Dr. Hosseini, the head of the Chabahar Offshore Fisheries Research Center, the secretary of the Shrimp Association and the Veterinary Directorate General of Chabahar and Konarak.After reciting verses from the Holy Quran and the national anthem and opening the ceremony by the governor of Chabahar, Dr. Babak Qa'edenya, Dr. Maryam Mirbakhsh from the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, Dr. Tahereh Bagheri from the Chabahar Offshore Fisheries Research Center and Mr. Abdul Reza Abkar, the representative of Tak Gen Company, provided relevant contents as course instructors.The main topics of the course included the use of probiotics, the method of use, the process of preparation of probiotics, the advantages and disadvantages and the economic justification of the use of probiotics in shrimp farms.In this regard, the dear representative of the Tak Gen Company specifically described the "Tak CellProbiotic Product" and the quantity and quality of this product in fish farms and shrimp farms in the north (Golestan, Mazandaran, Gilan) and south of the country (Bushehr, Khuzestan, Bandar Abbas).It is noteworthy that the "Tak CellProbiotic Product" is a commercial product whose "technical knowledge" has been obtained by the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute over the years. The Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute have signed an agreement with the Tak Gen Company for the commercialization of the product, given that its technical knowledge is still available to the institute.At the end, after question and answer, given the interest of the operators and experts present at the workshop, it was decided that the aquaculture extension plan for the use of "Tak CellProbiotic Product" will be implemented next year as a pilot program in one of the model shrimp farm at the Gwadar shrimp site and associated farms.
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