Holding the workshop with the Wageningen University & Research

At the International Sustainable Aquaculture Workshop, the director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute described the joint projects between the Iranian fisheries researchers and researchers at the Wageningen University & Research
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The workshop focused on six issues including selective breeding of sea bass and sparidae, producing value added products from fish, market need and consumer preferences, selective breeding of Tilapia, market intelligence network for maritime commerce and quality standards for export to Europe. Dr. Pourkazemi, at the International Sustainable Aquaculture Workshop (breeding, processing and trading), said that cooperation between Iranian and Dutch researchers began in 2006. The director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute stated: Projects such as ice cream production from fish concentrates, snacks from the processing by products of carp, fortified sausages, canned fish ball and other items are among the joint activities. According to him, the Dutch have already made significant suggestions for improving and developing the production chain in the fisheries industry which undoubtedly can greatly improve the level of production and supply of finished products to the market. Moreover, the Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture Jahad also emphasizes the creation of production chains in various agricultural fields. Dr. Pourkazemi continued: Introducing new breeding methods, creating value added for fisheries products, introducing fish species from the Salmonidae family for aquaculture, adding small fish such as kilka, sardines and lanternfishes to the food chain for human consumption after fish processing and the production of value added products from fish wastes, in particular for the production of biochemical and pharmaceutical products and toiletries, are among other projects that are being pursued jointly with Dutch specialists and researchers. In this regard, the introduction of two species including cobia and sea bass for cage fish farming in the south of the country and zander for cage fish farming in the Caspian Sea are on the agenda to get closer to the objectives set for cage fish farming. The director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute believes that traditional and grilled fish consumption has changed over time and other methods such as cooking burgers, filleting and preparing ready to cook products, whose waste is exploited in other processing centers, should be used instead of steaming and grilling. This can be very effective in the use of valuable compounds from fish such as enzymes, minerals, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids. Accordingly, one of the projects that will be conducted jointly with the Dutch will focus on the production of various products, especially from myctophidae and various products such as fishmeal, fish oil, omega-3 and processed powders that can be used for human consumption will be produced. The director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute said that the selective breeding of Tilapia with the aim of producing sterile and male fish as well as the selective breeding of salmonids and Sander marinus are among other collaborative and transformational programs of the Iranian party with the Dutch which will make a significant difference in the fisheries industry. Dr. Pourkazemi added: The extensive cooperation between Iran and the Netherlands, in addition to the above, has been developed in the areas of climate change, student exchange and stock assessment and so on. There is a bright future in these relationships in terms of knowledge transfer and localization of modern technologies.

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