Holding the Farm Day

In order to carry out training - extension programs, the Farm Day was held at the Shrimp Research Institute of Iran – Bushehr
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In  order to carry out training - extension programs and to exchange experiences  and transfer new scientific findings in order to raise the knowledge of the  producers of the fisheries and aquaculture sector, the Farm Day with the title of "Preparation  of farming ponds and application of chemicals in shrimp farming" was held in cooperation with the Shrimp  Farmers Union of Bushehr Provinces at the  site of Bandar Rig with the presence of  the regional promoters, certain fisheries researchers, exploiters and experts.  In this program, the importance of preparing shrimp ponds and paying particular  attention to the optimal management of shrimp pond preparation and its impact  on the period of shrimp farming was discussed and the experiences in other  provinces were presented to the exploiters. On the sidelines of this program,  the director of the Agricultural Insurance Fund introduced the agriculture  insurance service offices and insisted on the use of insurance to ensure  production this year. He also expressed his willingness to cooperate with the farmers  of the province. At the end of the session, practical solutions have been  presented regarding the problems of exploiters.
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