Harvesting farmed rainbow trout

Harvesting farmed rainbow trout from the cages located in the Caspian Sea in the coastal waters of Gilan Province
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At the ceremony, the first stage of harvesting farmed rainbow trout from the cages located in the Caspian Sea was carried out by the Maeedeh Nasr Kermanshah Company in the presence of some provincial officials. It is worth noting that the company has 4 submersible fish cages, each with a capacity of 125 tons. In February 2019, rainbow trout were stored in one of the cages with the average weight of about 600 grams. In less than 4 months, rainbow trout reached the average weight of about 1200 grams and were marketed. At the same time, rainbow trout were stored in another cage with the average weight of about 120 grams which currently have the average weight of more than 400 grams. In the course of a memorandum with the Maeedeh Nasr Kermanshah Company, the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute has developed guidelines for principles and health monitoring of farmed fish, assessing cage interaction effects on the Caspian Sea inhabitants and vice versa as well as the economic evaluation of fish farming in cages in order to introduce suitable indigenous species for cage fish farming.
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