Dr. Pourkazemi, the director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, along with Dr. Mortezaei and Dr. Aghaei Moghaddam visited the Vakili ornamental fish farm in Golestan Province - Shast Kala Village. At this visit, Mr. Vakili, the owner of the Vakili ornamental fish farm and the ornamental fish expert, presented a description of the activities of the halls and techniques used in the reproduction and production of 20 species of ornamental fish. Then, he described the problems of fish farming and the fish market and export difficulties. Dr. Pourkazemi visited the ponds, the reproduction and larval production hall and the structures used in the hall. He explained the capacity of the institute to work together. At the intimate meeting with Mr. Vakili and Mr. Shahriari, the expert responsible for the halls, suggestions were made regarding joint activities and the reproduction of valuable ornamental fish species in cooperation with the institute. This will be achieved by drafting a Memorandum of Understanding in the New Year.
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