Intensive Daphnia magna culture

Intensive Daphnia magna culture at the aquatic nutrition and live food station of the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute for larval culture of zander in the earthen ponds at Shulam station
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Daphnia Magna cultivated at the aquatic nutrition and live food station of the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute in two steps on April 10 and April 29, 2019, was transferred for larval culture of zander in the earthen ponds at Shulam polyculture station. Zander do not have a strong tendency to concentrated foods and by passing one stage of feeding on the live food, zander will be fed pellet feed. Daphnia as a starter feed are very important in nutrition and culture of larvae of various aquatic species. One of the problems of the centers for fish reproduction and production of juveniles is the supply of Daphnia needed in a limited period of time (out of the Daphnia reproduction season). At the end of March 2019, Daphnia mass cultivation with two culture media including poultry manure and chemical fertilizer was carried out at the aquatic nutrition and live food station of the institute and after a 25-day period, high density production of Daphnia was obtained. On April 10, 2019, the isolation was carried out using the 500 micron mesh sieve in the amount of 5 liters of Daphnia (nauplius) with the density of 28 g per liter and on April 29, 2019, purification was performed in the amount of 4 liters of Daphnia with the density of 35 g per liter. Daphnia was transferred for larval culture of zander in the earthen ponds at Shulam polyculture station.
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