Macroalgae pilot production plan will begin next year

Dr. Pourkazemi announced that the macroalgae pilot production and the production of other value added products from algae will begin next year
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At the last meeting of the scientific and technical committee of the institute, the director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute said: According to the meeting held at the Biotechnology Development Council of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology of the Presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the pilot project for the production of algae and its by products will be launched seriously next year. Dr. Mohammad Pourkazemi pointed out that at least two pilot projects will be carried out for modeling, and added: Each of these plans is intended to be implemented at least at a level of one hectare, in which a total of 100 tons of algae can be harvested at the first stage in this way. According to him, the production of algae and the extraction of by products from algae have long been on the agenda of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute that the cultivation of algae can be performed in the outlet channels of shrimp farms or through cultivation in areas that are suitable and free from marine pollution. Dr. Pourkazemi added: One of the priorities of the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization is the commercial and mass production of algae which will be possible with the efforts of the researchers in fisheries sciences and other institutes affiliated to the organization. This marine product contains at least 20% protein and can be used as a supplement to the diet and as a good alternative to press cakes or oil cakes. For this purpose,the comprehensive plan for the mass production of macroalgae, this plan will be supported by the government and will be implemented by the private sector, will soon be developed and will be submitted to the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization. The director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute said: Unfortunately, according to the official statistics, millions of tons of corn and various types of oilseeds are imported into the country annually that deduct a lot of foreign currencies from domestic capital. Accordingly, the production of part of the required livestock supplements inside the country and even the production of dozens of other products from algae will prevent the withdrawal of significant amounts of foreign currencies from the country, and the establishment of processing lines and the production of by products will greatly help to create jobs. Achieving this goal means protecting the Supreme Leader’s statements on resilient economy and paying attention to domestic capital. He believes that apart from production of dietary supplement and concentrate, other products such as agar, liquid fertilizers, cosmetics, sodium alginate and other products can be extracted from algae will be at the top of the work program of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute based on their priorities. Dr. Pourkazemi said in another part of his speech: Another priority identified in coordination with the Biotechnology Development Council of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology of the Presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the work program in 2019 - 2010 is the processing of aquatic organisms and the use of fish wastes and the creation of added value products from them. Of course, now there are investors who have built many manufacturing plants and the research of researchers can be a backbone for the maximum use of wastes and by products from the industrial processing industry that some of the precious products in them are wasted. The director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute stated: The use of unconventional water and in other words halocouture is one of the other priorities that is being pursued in line with the policy of the Ministry of Agriculture Jahad. The obvious case can be seen in the farming of fish, shrimp and Artemia in saline water and pilot implementation and applied projects by the fisheries sciences researchers. In the end, Dr. Pourkazemi pointed out that the specialist human resources, infrastructure and credits are considered as the three pillars of development and achievement of the goals of the institute. He added: Effective presence for sustainable development of cage fish farming, diversity in the species of cultured shrimp, production of various types of kits and vaccines, continuation of activities related to the production technology of tilapia in greenhouse and aquaponics, eugenics and selective breeding of fish and shrimp and the monitoring aquatics resources for the management of the fishery season are of the most important activities, in addition to the above mentioned, which are followed by the research institutes and research centers affiliated to the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute.
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