Training workshop

Training workshop on "Designing and constructing the phycolab system and massive cultivation of the economically important algae" was held at the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute – Gilan
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The training workshop on "Designing and constructing the phycolab system and massive cultivation of the economically important algae" was held at the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute on February 12 and February 13, 2019. The two-day specialist workshop was presented theoretically and practically (working in the laboratory environment) by Dr. Seyed Mohammad Salavatian with the presence of researchers and students from research centers and universities. The design and construction of the phycolab system and various applications of phytoplankton were presented. The entry of urban and industrial wastewater, agricultural pesticides, and chemical fertilizers has caused significant problems and difficulties. It has caused the phenomenon of algal bloom or red tide, and the massive mortality of fish, zooplanktons, benthos, etc. in the aquatic ecosystems. The emergence of these phenomena has revealed the need for the establishment of algae laboratories and phycolab in order to carry out the required research. In phycolab, in the first stage, purification of phytoplankton samples that have high nutritional value for aquatic organisms is considered for farming of a single species of algae, and in the next steps, toxic effects on different living organisms including phytoplankton are studied. Laboratories for cultivation of algae have many other uses for the freshwater biology, the ecology of algae, the creation of a gene bank of algae, and the other uses of phytoplankton such as the treatment of sewage, the use of algae in the preparation of antibiotics, the preparation of agar, the use of phytoplankton as nutritional supplements, the extraction of iodine and potassium from algae and their use in soap making industry and glass industry, the use of algae as an algae bath for various skin diseases, the production of food from algae and aquatic plants, the production of oil, gelatin, algae biscuit, fruit juice containing fiber and fuel (Biodiesel), the production of bioplastic from algae for easy removal in the environment and the generation of electricity from algae. On the second day, the phycolab system of the institute was visited and the use of spray dryer machine for drying and powdering algae was taught by the instructors.
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