Thinking meeting

Thinking meeting on the development of processed aquatic products diversity
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Thinking meeting on the development of processed aquatic products diversity was held at the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute with the presence of managers and authorities responsible for improving the quality of aquatic products from the Iran Fisheries Organization, the Gilan Department of Fisheries, the Mazandaran Department of Fisheries, the East Azerbaijan Department of Fisheries and the Isfahan Department of Fisheries. Dr. Vali Pour, the head of the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute, highlighted the importance of aquatic product processing industry and the role of promoting and advertising the consumption of aquatic products in increasing aquaculture production, increasing the per capita consumption of aquatic products and improving the fisheries economy. He described the main programs and policies of the institute to diversify processed aquatic products, use of aquatic waste and fish processing byproducts, produce high-value products from anchovies and Kilka for the current year and for the sixth five-year plan. Then, each participant mentioned the tips for promoting the consumption of aquatic products, commercializing processed aquatic products, implementing research activities based on commercialization of the results in industry, transferring the knowledge of aquatic processing to private sectors and manufacturing plants and producing new products from aquatic organisms for human consumption and industrial uses, as well as some other issues affecting the development of production and consumption of aquatic products. In the end, it was suggested that a memorandum of understanding should be established among the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute, the Departments of Fisheries and the private sector to plan the implementation of various activities.

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