The Ph.D. viva session was held

The Ph D viva session was held for the research based Ph D dissertation of Ms Arezoo Moshkveh Rohani
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The Ph.D. viva session was held in the auditorium of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute for Ms. Arezoo Moshkveh Rohani (admitted for fall 2012) who was the research-based Ph.D. student. The title of her dissertation was "Effect of Spirulina algae (Spirulina platensis) on growth performance, carcass composition, fatty acid profile, colorfulness and immunity and blood factors of juvenile Salmo trutta caspius". The student completed her education in the field of fisheries sciences (production and reproduction of aquatic organisms) at the National Inland Water Aquaculture Institute (Bandar-e Anzali). The doctoral thesis supervisors were Dr. Maryam Fallahi Kapoorchali and Dr. Abdolmohammad Abedian Kenari and the doctoral thesis co-supervisors were Dr. Mohammad Sayad Borani and Dr. Seyed Jalil Zorieh Zahra. Members of the thesis examination committee were Dr. Bahram Falahat Kar, Dr. Mahmoud Hafezieh and Dr. Asgar Zahmatkesh. The doctoral thesis received a high grade.

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