Exhibition of Research Achievements

The 19th Exhibition of Research and Technology Achievements and Technology Market were held
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The 19th Exhibition of Research and Technology Achievements and Technology Market were held with the participation of the affiliated institutes with the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization at the Tehran International Exhibition Center from December 24 to December 27, 2018. At the opening ceremony, Dr. Khavazi, the deputy minister and the head of the Agricultural Research Education and Extension Organization, Dr. Gholam Hossein Tahmasebi, the deputy of the organization, Dr. Rasool Zare, the deputy director of research and technology, Dr. Daneshian, the director general of research affairs office, Hojatoleslam Saidian, the head of the Supreme Leader’s Representative Office, Dr. Salehi, the director of the Iran Fisheries Organization, the general managers of headquarters and heads of research institutes including Dr. Pourkazemi, the director of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, attended the exhibition and appreciated the efforts of the exhibitors for their active participation in the exhibition.

The research achievements presented at the exhibition include:

Technical knowledge of the production of specific diet for Salmo trutta caspius

The software predicting white spot disease based on physicochemical factors in Gwadar shrimp farms

Production of biosilage from rainbow trout processing waste

Live fish samples of carp and zander (selective breeding of carp and technical knowledge of the production of zander)

Tilapia production by the method of aquaponics

Nano coatings based on chitosan and zinc oxide

Production of super healthy probiotic foods for the use in the shrimp farming industry

Technical knowledge of the production of gelatin extracted from carp processing waste

Technology of the production of canned fish ball from minced meat of silver carp

Probiotics for shrimp

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