The Ph.D. viva session was held

The Ph D viva session was held for the research based Ph D dissertation of Mr Seyed Saaber Mostoulizadeh
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The Ph.D. viva session was held in the auditorium of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute for Mr. Seyed Saaber Mostoulizadeh (admitted for fall 2012) who was the research-based Ph.D. student. The title of his dissertation was "Investigation of changes in qualitative characteristics of enriched pasta using Spirulina algae powder". The student completed his education in the field of fisheries sciences (aquatic products processing) at the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Ecological Research Institute (Bandar Abbas). The doctoral thesis supervisors were Dr. Yazdan Moradi and Dr. Mohammad Sediqh Mortazavi and the doctoral thesis co-supervisors were Dr. Abbas Ali Motalebi and Dr. Mansoureh Qhaeni. Members of the thesis examination committee were Dr. Amir Reza Shoveiklou, Dr. Yasman Fahim deghban and Dr. Sayedeh Leili Mohebi Nozar. The doctoral thesis received a high grade.

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