Holding a joint meeting

Holding the second joint trilateral meeting of the working groups on fisheries and aquaculture extension of Golestan province
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The second joint trilateral meeting of the working groups on fisheries and aquaculture extension of Golestan province was held at the conference hall with the presence of the chairman and members of the working group on fisheries and aquaculture extension of the Inland Waters Aquatic Stocks Research Center - Gorgan, the head of the fisheries and aquaculture extension office along with the responsible experts for fisheries and aquaculture extension from the coordination management of the Agricultural Extension Organization of the province and the Department of Fisheries. Dr. Aqhaei Moghaddam, the head of the Inland Waters Aquatic Stocks Research Center, welcomed the audience and explained about the objectives of the tripartite working group on fisheries and aquaculture extension, the implementation of these goals in the region and the introduction of specific researchers. The head of the coordination management of the Agricultural Extension Organization of the province (the member of the tripartite working group on fisheries and aquaculture extension) talked about the role of regional promoters and how they relate to the exploiters and specific researchers in agricultural affairs. The secretariat of the working groups on fisheries and aquaculture extension stated that the purpose of the establishment of the joint working group in this province is to work based on the tasks determined by the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, the appointment of specific researchers and experts in the region and the coherence of the experts in order to optimize and harmonize the fisheries and aquaculture extension activities in the province. In the course of this session, suggestions were made for conducting training courses for regional promoters and exploiters, writing a memorandum of understanding between the three managers to promote the work of the working group on fisheries and aquaculture extension and carrying out the needs assessment of the exploiters and reviewing the areas of the field and presenting them to the working group by the representative of the Department of Fisheries. The executive program of the joint working groups on fisheries and aquaculture extension on dual purpose ponds, the introduction of the regional promoters by the representatives of the coordination management of the Agricultural Extension Organization of the province and the Department of Fisheries and the presentation of the timetable for the meetings of the working groups on fisheries and aquaculture extension (maximum every 15 days) were raised and approved by the joint working group.

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