Holding a specialized meeting

The species ecosystem based management of sensitive and vulnerable fisheries habitats
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Considering the importance of managing sensitive and vulnerable fisheries habitats of the country as one of the important issues in the High Commission for Fisheries, and also the role of coastal-marine habitats in preserving biodiversity and genetic resources of the organisms of the region, the department of ecology of water resources of the institute organized the specialized meeting"The species – ecosystem based management of sensitive and vulnerable fisheries habitats" at the venue of the session hall of the institute. The managers, specialists and experts from the headquarters of the institute, the affiliated research institutes and research centers including the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Ecological Research Institute - Bandar Abbas, the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center – Ahvaz and the Caspian Sea Ecology Research Center - Sari, the International Sturgeon Research Institute - Rasht, the office for the conservation and recovery of marine resources of the Iran Fisheries Organization and the department of marine environment of the Department of Environment were present at the meeting. They discussed about the indigenous methods and the need for the species-ecosystem based approach for assessing, protecting and exploiting of marine aquatic resources. They provided views and suggestions on the management of aquatic resources. The lecturers and lectures presented at this meeting are presented as follows:

Introducing indigenous species-ecosystem based methods of coastal - marine ecosystems

Dr. Fereidoun Oufi, the head of the department of ecology of the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea, Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, Tehran

Modeling the desirability of the habitat of aquatic organisms of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of ​​Oman using environmental data

Dr. Ali Salar Puri, the head of the department of biology and stock assessment of aquatic organisms, Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Ecological Research Institute, Bondar Abbas

The ecosystem based management ofSalmo trutta caspius reserves

Dr. Hamid Reza Alizadeh Sabet, the head of the department of public relations and international affairs, International Sturgeon Research Institute, Rasht

The necessity of the ecosystem based approach to manage the exploitation of the Caspian Sea bony fishes

Dr. Hassan Fazli, the deputy director of research and technology, Caspian Sea Ecology Research Center, Sari

Introducing biological values ​​and threats to the coastal - marine regions of the northwest Persian Gulf

Dr. Simin Dehghan, the head of the South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center, South of Iran Aquaculture Research Center, Ahvaz

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