The training course

Holding the training course of Multivariate Analysis using PRIMER and PERMANOVA
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The training course of multivariate analysis using PRIMER and PERMANOVA by Dr. Mehdi Ghodrati Shojaei, the professor of the Faculty of Natural Resources of Tarbiat Modares University, was held on Tuesday and Wednesday on November 6 and 7 with the presence of relevant colleagues at the headquarters of the institute and affiliated centers and research institutes. The training course was also organized using video conferencing. In this two-day training course, the researchers of the Institute learned about the headings of the pre-treatment of data and data visualization, the concepts of similarity, dissimilarity and distance in multivariate analysis in PRIMER, multivariate analysis for analyzing biological data as well as living communities such as non-metric multidimensional scaling and SIMPROF test, multivariate analysis for the analysis of environmental variables such as PCA (this method is used to eliminate the correlation among input variables and easier interpretation of variables), multivariate analysis for correlation of biological data with environmental data such as Best and Env-Bio, identifying the role of different species in living communities by Anosim test and ecological modeling in PERMANOVA. According to the new approach of researchers of the department of stock assessment and the department of ecology of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute in combining biological and ecological data for assessing and predicting the status of commercial fish stocks and also determining the fluctuations in the amounts of capture fisheries and the reserves of aquatic organisms related to the environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and other parameters affecting the status of reserves, the training course can help researchers in more accurate analysis of collected information and data. A complementary course will be held at the appropriate time.

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