Visit from the Chabahar Research Center of the High Seas

The deputy director of research and technology of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute and his companion group visited the Chabahar Research Center of the High Seas
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Dr. Seyed Mortezai, the deputy director of research and technology of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute along with Dr. Hafezieh, the head of the aquaculture department and Mr. Iranpour, the head of the technical and engineering department visited the reproduction and production center of the Chabahar Research Center of the High Seas. A meeting was also held with the presence of the head, specialized sections and experts. Dr. Hosseini, the head of the center welcomed the guests and sent Fatiha to the spirit of the newly deceased respected colleague, Mr. Jalaledin Sahne. He presented a brief report on the performance of the research projects. In the following, Dr. Mortezai explained about the subject of the research commitments of the center in 2018-2019, reviewing the research activities and paying more attention to priorities according to the mission of the center and in the form of scientific production and contracts that generate income through the creation of knowledge base foundations in the research centers affiliated with the institute. Moreover, evaluating the status of the Gwadar research station, proposing the research projects applicable at this station as well as documenting its ownership, carrying out production activities and using available capacity of marine algae reserves were among other issues that were discussed by the aquaculture department of the institute.

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