Fisheries and aquaculture extension experts meeting

The first meeting of the fisheries and aquaculture extension experts of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute was held
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According to the public relations of the Iranian Fisheries Science and Research Institute, the first meeting of the fisheries and aquaculture extension experts of the institute by hosting the deputy director of fisheries and aquaculture extension and transfer of research findings of the institute and in the presence of Dr. Amiri Larijani, the director general of agricultural science and technology extension, Mr. Eshaghi, the head of the network for knowledge and extension media office, Mr. Shiri, the director of technical and aquaculture affairs of the Iran Fisheries Organization and the fisheries and aquaculture extension experts of the centers, research institutes and experts of specialized departments of the institute was held with the aim of creating coordination in the performance of the fisheries and aquaculture extension experts of centers and research institutes, familiarizing them with the duties, training the required courses and transferring the latest approaches and fisheries and aquaculture extension approaches. In this meeting while introducing the operational objectives of the fisheries and aquaculture extension and transfer of findings and describing duties of the experts, three training courses were organized with titles on the way of developing fisheries and aquaculture extension findings, familiarization with extension media, and familiarization with extension methods and approaches (model sites, learning centers, etc.). The training courses of this meeting covered over 400 audiences through webinar (web conferencing) and video conferencing.
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