Shrimp specialist meeting was held

Shrimp specialist meeting was held with the management of the Inland Waters Aquatic Stocks Research Center Gorgan
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According to public relations of the Inland Waters Aquatic Stocks Research Center-Gorgan, in line with the commitments of the expansion program of the Center in 1397, shrimp specialty and thought meeting with the management of the Center and co-operation of Bushehr Shrimp Research Institute and Golestan Province Fisheries Department, dated 28 July 2018, was held at the venue of the sessions of the Department of Fisheries. At this meeting, representative of Bushehr Shrimp farmers Union, representatives of the environmental departments of the province, veterinary, representative of the Gomyshan shrimp farmers and a number of shrimp farmers were present.

At first, Dr. Aghaei moghadam while welcoming to the invitees, he appreciated the presence of all the guests. Dr. Ghaednia presented a summary of the achievements and responsibilities of the Shrimp Research Institute of Iran. Then, he talked about the shrimp farming development program in Golestan. Dr. Ghavampoor provided explanations in the case of super intensive shrimp farming, biosafety and health security, white spot disease and red heads syndrome in shrimp and suggested some tips for prevention of the problems for the Gomyshan shrimp farms. Representative of a knowledge foundation, Dr. Karimzadeh, described the importance of indigenous probiotic foods in decreasing the risks of environmental pollution.
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