Tilapia culture inauguration in Yazd Province

Culture of mono sexed Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in brackish waters of Yazd Province was inaugurated a first time event in Iran
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Culture of mono-sexed Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in brackish waters of Yazd Province was inaugurated, a first time event in Iran. Iranian Fisheries Research Organization first started to import Nile and hybrid red and black Tilapia from Indonesia in 2008 in an attempt to investigate the adaptability of the fish to Iranian condition and possible introduction to the aquaculture industry of the country. Studies in quarantine situation were carried out in Bafgh city, Yazd province where Iranian experts successfully developed the reproduction and culture bio-technicalities and also produced mono-sexed Tilapia using underground waters of the area with a mean salinity of 12ppt.

The activity was conducted following an environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the project in Bafgh which was approved by the IFRO Ecology Department and after necessary requirements and infrastructure were developed to make the effort a success. The head of the IFRO, Deputy for Reproduction and Aquaculture Office of the Iranian Fisheries Organization and provincial officials from Yazd inaugurated the activity in 2011. During the ceremony, 10000 mono-sexed tilapia individuals weighing on average 20g each were released in a one hectare earthen pond belonging to private sector in Bafgh. The fish has high economic potential and can be considered a very good choice for aquaculture activities in saline and brackish waters of the central provinces of Iran. bfrc@ifro.ir

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