The ornamental fish farming industry in Iran has increased and the live guppy is considered to be one of the best-selling ornamental fish in Iran and the world. Spirulina algae has high nutritional value for feeding aquatic animals, especially ornamental fish, and is rich in nutrients such as protein, amino acids, essential fatty acids and natural pigments, and has many uses as a supplement for livestock, poultry, and aquatic animals. This research was conducted with the aim of comparing the effect of spirulina algae-supplemented rations with spirulina algae concentration rations on the reproductive and growth indices of guppy broodstock for 90 days.The rearing environment included glass aquariums with a water intake volume of 288 liters under controlled conditions with an exposure time of 12 hours light and 12 hours darkness and a water temperature of 28 ± 1 °C.The four test groups included treatment one (concentrate diet), treatment two (concentrate diet with 5% spirulina algae added), treatment 3 (concentrate diet with 10% spirulina algae added) and treatment 4 (concentrate diet with 15% spirulina algae added).The spirulina was mixed with other raw materials in the specified amounts in the grinding stage in the food production stage, and entered the extrusion machine and was purchased as ready-to-use granules. Each treatment consisted of three replicates and in each replicate five female breeding pieces and three male breeding pieces of Guppy Big Air Dumbo fish imported from Thailand were maintained.The farming stages were carried out in the Ornamental Fish Breeding and Breeding Workshop of Azarmahi (Timurlu City).The lowest (24.16±1.98) and highest (31.66±2.15) mean total relative homogeneity and lowest (50.08±7.79) and highest (69.58±13.52) mean larvae Total productivity were observed in treatments 1 and 4, respectively.The results showed the highest rate of reproduction and growth and the lowest rate of survival in treatment 4.During the breeding season, a significant difference in fish survival was observed with different treatments (p<0.05).Thus the highest and lowest survival rates in female offspring were 93.33 ± 6.67 and 33.33 ± 6.67%, and in male offspring 88.88 ± 11.11 and 33.33±0/0% respectively, was observed in treatments one and four. Depending on the survival rate and economic efficiency of the spirulina algae, ten percent of the diet can be used as a suitable supplementary feed for optimal reproduction, growth and survival, color improvement, and for guppy ornamental fish.
Keywords: Reproduction, guppy fish, survival, spirulina algae
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